From internet connected content streaming to OTT – Connected TV represents tremendous growth opportunities not only here in Canada, but also on a global scale. While technology solutions continue to increase, understanding the basics of what we can deliver to ensure positive user experiences, is of utmost importance.
On April 23rd, 2019 our Video Committee Chair RJ Pauloski – Teads moderated a panel on all things – Connected TV. This discussion brought together industry perspectives from: Co-chair Katrina Santos – Bell Media, Christina Summers – Roku, Damien Veran – Telaria and Julie McMillian – Cadreon.
What challenges can we expect with Connected TV?
At the moment, there are technological challenges that prevent smooth platform integration, not to mention lack of current and consistent measurement. However, this is indicative of channel growing pains, and as more investment continues to make its way into Connected TV, so too will measurement and research. The release of Numeris’ VAM research is a step in the right direction in supporting the growth of this channel.
Panelists unanimously agreed that there also needs to be more education. This includes understanding the roles of SSPs, DSPs, Platforms, ITP, etc. and how they work within the context of this new platform.
Who is already in the Connected TV space – and doing it well?
With no surprise, content categories like Entertainment and Sport have been quick to adopt this channel, and more traditional brands like: P&G, RBC, Samsung and Bell, are also following suit.
What value does Connected TV bring?
This channel is more than just content on a platform. The efficiency of an ad placed within this channel has proven to have much higher impacts on brand awareness than that of regular TV – something that our panelists will continue to measure and provide insights into. Regardless, these new possibilities make for exciting times.
What is to come over the next year?
In the next year you can expect: better measurement, greater scale which will then support greater targeting, as well as more workflow and automation, while increased players get in to the space.
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