As Canadian Video-on-Demand (VOD) consumers grow, a new audience category emerges. FlexiVOD enters the lexicon of digital media defined by consumers who change TV streaming habits in response to evolving content offerings and programming needs. Roku shares insights into the viewing habits of the FlexiVOD consumer in their VOD Evolution 2024 study.
Video streaming on smart TVs continued its rise to 78% of streamers while seeing a decline in streaming on other devices. This trend could indicate that video streamers prefer a larger screen and a singular device to manage all their streaming services.
Nearly half (48%) of TV streamers are FlexiVODs who actively plan to change their streaming service within the year. The desire for specific content drives FlexiVODs to switch to a new service (59%).
Another factor that drives FlexiVODs to downgrade or cancel streaming services is cost (52% of streamers), with 1 in 5 streamers stating they can no longer afford these services.
These two factors lead to TV streamers tuning in to an average of 3.8 streaming services in 2024, with an increase in ad-supported VOD services (AVOD) adoption. 63% of TV streamers intend to access AVOD within the next 12 months. Responding to this shift, major streaming platforms such as Netflix and Disney+ have strategically introduced more budget-friendly ad-supported subscription (ADSVOD) tiers.
Free Ad Support TV (FAST) channels are also a growing subset of AVOD and contribute to AVOD adoption in Canada.
The growing adoption of AVOD by TV streamers presents opportunities for marketers to tap into the TV streaming viewers. Roku’s study states that 7 out of 10 viewers have taken direct action after seeing an ad, which includes making a purchase or searching for more information. 17% of viewers have scanned a QR code featured in ads, while 10% would input personal data into the TV, which indicates an uptick in interaction with ads on their TV screens. Notably, 7% of viewers have even made direct purchases through their TVs using the remote.
But marketers need to be mindful that TV streamers crave ads that entertain. Marketers must consider story-driven advertisements with a message that resonates with their audience.
There’s more to discover in Roku’s VOD Evolution Study for 2024. Click here to download the report.