Since the federal government’s tabling of Bill C-11, the policy team at IAB Canada has been very busy working with our partners and business community to read through and understand the implications of this newly proposed privacy legislation. – the CPPA. The very same week the bill landed we invited esteemed privacy lawyer, and IAB Canada member, Adam Kardash of Osler Hoskin and Harcourt to take us through the key components of the Bill as it stands and what the potential impact could be on the digital advertising industry. As a follow- up to this session we have created a simplified chart which highlights the key information covered in the new legislation. You can find it here.
Meanwhile, as a member of the Business Privacy Group, yesterday kicked off the first of a series of meetings with representatives of ISI (formerly ISED) to ask questions in order to gather further information and to gain clarity on the intent of C-11. The dialogue was extremely productive, and we are extremely hopeful that our feedback is being heard and considered. The learnings from these sessions will feed into the IAB Canada Privacy Committee so we can work to be prepared for any future consultations and/or committee hearings.
We also continue to work with the IAB Canada TCF working group to update the policies as required that will feed into the ongoing of a technical string that will aid in industry compliance with Canadian privacy laws. This work is exciting and on-going and we are striving for a Q1 deadline when testing of the technical framework can commence.
If you are an IAB Canada member and would like to join our privacy discussions, please send an email to [email protected]. These are exciting times, and we would love to have your participation.