Bill S-228/Marketing to Kids
The Senate has adjourned for the Summer and Bill S-228 was not passed into law. The Senate has officially run out of time to pass this proposed Bill which would have banned the promotion on “unhealthy” foods to children under the age of 13. The efforts of the Coalition of Advertisers, of which IAB Canada was a part of, clearly had an impact. There is the possibility that this Bill could be resurrected after the election and we will keep you updated on any new developments.
Bill C-76
As the election quickly approaches, IAB Canada has been extremely busy working with our members as they work to comply with the newly amended Elections Act. We have created a useful guide which outlines “Where and How Political Ads Can Run in Canada” as well as updated our Publisher Media Kit to include the category of political advertising. We also continue to work with DAAC in their development of the “Political Ads Program” which is aiming to launch next week. We will send out details on this program as they become available.
We are also currently in the midst of planning a meeting with the Commissioner of Elections’ office in an effort to continue to collaborate on Bill C-76 and possible amendments for the next election period.
OPC Consultation on Transborder Data Flows Resumes and PIPEDA Amendments
The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (OPC) released an announcement that it is reframing its consultation on transfers for processing, including transborder data flows. The OPC has stated that their decision to change their approach to consultation was made following the release of the Digital Charter which suggests that transborder data flows may be dealt with in a future amended version of PIPEDA.
The OPC is now inviting stakeholder views on both how the current law should be interpreted and applied in these contexts, and on how a future law should provide effective privacy protection in the context of transfers for processing.
The new deadline for submissions on the Reframed Discussion Document on Transfers for Processing is August 6th, 2019 and IAB Canada will be preparing a submission on behalf of the industry. If you would like to be involved in this process please contact
In July, we are heading to Ottawa to meet with both the OPC and ISED to discuss the new Digital Charter and possible amendments to Canada’s privacy laws. As always, IAB Canada is working to have the voice of the digital advertising industry heard as new policies are developed.
If you would like to become involved in any of our policy committees please email