NEW IAB Canada Releases First in a Series of AI Impact Industry Papers – How AI Impacts Digital Advertising: Search

Artificial Intelligence has played an integral role in performance marketing for many years. AI-powered platforms have revolutionized how consumers use search and consequently transformed search advertising. This industry paper explores what marketers need to consider to ensure continued success with their search advertising campaigns in this new era of AI-powered search.

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IAB releases AI Case Uses and Best Practices for Marketing - March 2021

As part of the IAB Programmatic+Data Center’s mission to increase the industry’s understanding of how data can transform businesses, IAB created the AI Working Group to bring together AI and ML thought leaders and expert practitioners to produce essential AI resources to inform tomorrow’s market leaders. Access the IAB AI Case Uses and Best Practices for Marketing now.

Response to OPC’s proposals for “Ensuring appropriate regulation on artificial Intelligence” - March 2020

To view the response, please click here.

If you would like to join the IAB Canada discussions on Artificial Intelligence, please reach out to