Jump right into dev with the HTML5 digital advertising guidance for ad designers!
In January and February 2015, IAB Canada hosted an exclusive webinar series discussing the power of HTML5 in the new ad landscape.
Hosts Paul Vincent (Neuranet) and Jeffrey Martin (Addictive Mobility) guided listeners through the transition phase from an ad environment based in Flash, to one based in HTML5.
Business Leaders
How your organization can transition quickly to cross-device HTML5
- Why industry is moving from Flash to HTML5 (brief)
- Key differences in Flash vs HTML5 (advantages/disadvantages)
- How HTML5 will change roles/responsibilities within creative teams
Designers & Developers
Best practices for building cross-device HTML5 creative
- Key differences in Flash vs HTML5 (advantages/disadvantages)
- More detailed IAB Canada HTML5 spec overview
- Leveraging multiple HTML5 tools
- How HTML5 will change roles/responsibilities within creative teams and steps you can take to transition