Lean In! IAB Canada is calling out for a working group to review and provide feedback on IAB Europe’s release of GDPR Transparency & Consent Framework

As eagerly anticipated, IAB Europe has released the draft technical specifications for its GDPR Transparency & Consent Framework (“Framework”) for public comment. The Framework was introduced in late 2017 as a cross-industry effort to help publishers, technology vendors, agencies and advertisers meet the transparency and user choice requirements (including consent where necessary) of the GDPR before the regulation comes into effect on May 25 this year.

As communicated at IAB Canada’s Privacy Unplugged session on the topic last month, the Framework is a non-commercial, open source initiative and includes technical specifications that will allow companies and consumers to have greater control over, and dynamic insight into, the parties who access and process the personal data of consumers in the EU. The framework is designed to support various channels and formats, including mobile and desktop environments.

The technical specifications will be maintained by an IAB Tech Lab working group going forward, through a collaboration between IAB Europe and IAB Tech Lab that leverages IAB Europe’s policy and legal expertise and IAB Tech Lab’s technical expertise.

IAB Europe has published the draft specifications for public comment and IAB Canada will be working closely with our European counterparts to provide feedback from IAB Canada member stakeholders ahead of the April 8, 2018 deadline.

The framework is currently in its initial legal review with IAB Canada’s Privacy Counsel team at Osler and will be reviewed by our Policy and Regulatory Affairs Committee. The working group will be a more diverse group leveraging our broad member expertise that will be discussing all technical specifications and accompanying documentation in detail so that we can submit a draft a  version for industry members in Canada.

The final version is scheduled for release mid-April.

Now is the time to get involved by emailing us at [email protected]