Navigating the Ocean of Data

Thoughts from the IAB Canada Community

It’s Data Season at IAB Canada and we are in the final stages of assembling a stellar cast of industry experts to join us on the stage at our Report on Data event on November 30. During this action-packed event we will cover off all angles of the subject matter as we dig deep into the latest insights on Canadian consumer development, and their connection to media while also unpacking topics ranging from privacy and brand safety to the implications of AI and yes, even the metaverse. 

This week we caught up with IAB Canada member Dentsu a full-service agency that works to create world-class solutions and services that unlock new opportunities for growth and business transformation across the entire customer journey to get their perspective on what the current state of data means to them and their partners.

IAB Canada (IABC): How does Dentsu work with data? 

Dentsu: Data is the foundation to understanding the consumer’s needs, wants, emotions and behaviours and connecting that to a brand’s purpose and mission.  We use data to fuse together a best in class understanding and insight into audiences, brands, and media. Media is a mix of art & science and data allows us to master the science to achieve meaningful progress as a force for growth and good.

IABC: What does data mean to you?

Dentsu: I think as an industry we’ve lost sight on what data is important and what drives meaningful impact. We are so immersed in a media world that is overflowing with different metrics, ways to measure things and data sources that we are becoming fundamentally lost and not looking at the right data to make choices. Data gives a huge advantage if harnessed correctly with a focus on data that can be actionable, impactful, and easily understood to tell a story.

IABC: What are you excited about for 2022?

Dentsu: The “Metaverse” buzz and where it will take us as well as the future of e-commerce and e-retailing with plenty of new entrants coming soon.

IABC: How should advertisers go about leveraging data to make informed decisions? 

Dentsu: Start stepping into the mindset of consumer’s when thinking about data. Consumers are starting to realize the value their data has and that they are on the bad end of the value exchange. Think about how data can help a consumer make an informed decision or show how your brand can be a solution to a pain point etc. As an industry we talk a lot of about understanding audiences, but I think we can make a lot of progress in trying to use the data we have at our fingertips to create a greater connection between a brand and our consumer’s needs and wants.

Next week we will be touching base with another IAB Canada community member to get their perspective on the role of data in today’s complex ecosystem. In the meantime, we hope you can join us on November 30 to join the discussion. You can find the full agenda and register here.