Released June 13, 2018, IAB Global Research shows that 67% of consumers worldwide have live streamed video & more than half of them prefer free, ad-supported experiences over other options.


65% or Nearly Two-Thirds of People Around the Globe Who Have Live Streamed Video, Plan to Watch the 2018 FIFA World Cup Live and Online, Primarily on Smartphones  

NEW YORK, NY (June 13, 2018) – More than two-thirds (67%) of consumers globally have streamed live video content and 52 percent of that group prefer free, ad supported live streaming over subscription and a la carte services, according to “Live Video Streaming: A Global Perspective,” an in-depth study, which polled consumers from 21 countries around the world— including Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Germany, Italy, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Sweden, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

Smartphones are the most popular device to live stream video content, followed by smart TVs.

Sixty-four percent of those that have streamed live video have engaged with an ad—such as pre-roll or sponsored ads—while live streaming. The most common actions were remembering the brand that was advertised, clicking on the ad, and visiting the brands’ website. Ads within live streaming content were most frequently seen on social media platforms, gaming websites, and apps.

With the FIFA World Cup kicking off June 14, the study looked at live streaming intentions among those who want to watch. Overall, 65 percent of those who have live streamed video previously expect to live stream the matches predominantly on smartphone, versus 71 percent who anticipate watching live on linear TV. Slightly more than half plan to watch recorded games either online or on television.

Eric John, Deputy Director, IAB Digital Video Center of Excellence said, “The World Cup is just one example of the kind of event that will spark massive live streaming around the world and will attract brands which recognize the potential for effectively reaching audiences in live video environments.”

IAB Canada’s Director of Research Steve Rosenblum notes, “This new report is the 4th in our series of annual, co-funded IAB global studies of consumer behaviour and perceptions towards devices and apps, content and advertising. Detailed Canadian breakouts in each report permit vital apples-to-apples comparisons with the rest of the world”.

Download the entire study here: “IAB Global – 2018 Live Video Streaming Trends by Country & Canada” – June 2018