Released in June 2015, the IAB’s 2015 Global Mobile Video Report offers comprehensive insights into mobile video consumption across the globe, regionally and by country – notably Canada.

Published by the IAB Mobile Marketing Centre of Excellence in New York, in conjunction with 23 other IABs around the world including IAB Canada, this report consists of primary research that compares and contrasts the role of mobile in the lives of consumers for Mobile Video usage.

A 20 question survey was designed and fielded in 24 markets. In each market, 200 consumers participated who were 16 or over, owned a smartphone and watched either short or long mobile videos. Fieldwork took place from the: 14th April to 11th May 2015.

All respondents were asked the same questions – frequency of watching, genres of mobile video watched, where they watch mobile videos, when they watch them, how they watch mobile video, do they share mobile video and whether they see any ads while watching mobile video.

Throughout the deck, slides have been created by looking at…
1) Total global scores (all markets combined),
2) Regional scores, including US/Canada (combined),
3) Market level scores, including Canada (solo).

Download the report here:
IAB Mobile Video 2015: A global perspective (PDF)
Published: June 2015

Download the Infographic here:
Infographic: IAB 2015 Global Mobile Video Consumption
Released: June 2015