NEW: IAB In-Store Retail Media – Current Utilization Challenges, Measurement and Future Innovations

July 2024

In-store retail media has emerged as a vital component of the modern retail environment, effectively bridging the gap between physical and digital shopping experiences. This whitepaper aims to provide insights into how retailers and brands leverage in-store technologies, measure success, address challenges and foresee future innovations. By prioritizing customer needs, maintaining privacy, and fostering collaboration, retailers can navigate the complexities of in-store digital media and create meaningful, impactful experiences for their customers. This whitepaper provides a roadmap for future developments in this dynamic field, highlighting the critical role of in-store technologies in modern retail strategies

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A Guide to Retail Media – IAB Canada

As our awareness shifts towards first party data and the key it holds to unlocking the opportunities left for advertisers to address audiences in the next iteration of online advertising, we are focusing our attention on practical applications that can be implemented today. Over the past months we have seen rapid developments in the retail media space and our members are paying close attention.

In collaboration with the Retail Media Committee, IAB Canada has developed this guide to buying retail media as an introduction to this exciting new channel. The aim of the guide is to provide foundational information that describes the opportunity, delves into the unique capabilities offered through this type of buying strategy and provide best practices to invest wisely. The document is an organic industry paper and will be updated as new information becomes available.

A Guide to Retail Media: Emerging Opportunities in an Always-On Shopping Landscape

Retail Media Report Card – The Mars Agency

The Retail Media Report Card is a public tool designed to give brand advertisers a systematic approach to evaluating and comparing retail media networks. It highlights each network’s strengths and weaknesses in alignment with the specific needs and relationships of the brand. Shared with retail media networks, the report offers valuable competitive comparisons and potential guidelines to enhance collaboration with brand partners. By showcasing the relative strength and sophistication of each retailer, the scorecard helps brands identify industry leaders, emerging platforms, and networks lagging in key performance areas. The Mars Agency has designated 44 of the 78 evaluation criteria as “Table Stakes,” viewing each network’s ability to meet these criteria as crucial to the assessment. The report also offers insights on tactic selection, enabling brands to make informed funding decisions based on the scorecard.

Spotlight on Retail Media: Resources

If you would like to join the IAB Canada discussions on Retail Media, please reach out to [email protected].