It is clear that the growth in digital media investment is directly linked to its unique relationship to data. The industry knows that effective digital media execution demands rigorous analysis of data at all stages of planning and buying. The industry is currently rising to the demand for specialized talent, improved technology and above all, consistency in defining currency and value.

In 2016, IAB Canada’s Data and Analytics Committee set out to provide an output that would bring useful clarity to the industry on the state of measurement and currency as an important first step towards realizing absolute best practices in the online media industry.

In keeping with IAB Canada’s commitment to provide valuable tools for education, we are proud to present our members with this first installment of “Little Books”. This Little Book is designed to provide you with clear definitions on current terms being used widely in the arena of Data and Analytics.

It is written in a fun, comic book style narrative to bring the subject to life but also includes technical explanations for the more serious types.

We hope you enjoy this resource as much as the IAB Canada Data and Analytics Committee enjoyed pulling it together. We would also like to thank our partner Contobox/ Crucial Interactive for helping to bring this book to life.

Contobox-IAB-Little Book of Data and Analytics