IAB Canada Releases the 2022 Currency of Talent Barometer Study

IAB Canada has released the first of a three-part series of resources that addresses the challenges in recruiting and retaining talent in the online advertising industry. The 4th Annual Currency of Talent Barometer report looks at the state of the workforce and provides a general outlook on the priorities and trends we can expect in the coming months and years. 

What makes this year’s reporting so fascinating is that it provides a first glimpse of the impact Covid-19 has had on the way we work. The results point to long-present issues that have finally come to a head during the two-year health crisis.  

Work/life balance and mental health have taken their toll and, as a result, we have seen high-value talent exiting the sector. With inflation and unprecedented (in many cases unwarranted) salary expectations on the rise, the sector is now forced to do what it does best – assess, re-architect and innovate to bring the industry back into a sustainable balance.  

The report was fielded in Q1 and received strong responses across all stakeholder groups of the IAB Canada membership. Council discussions that have covered the subject matter provided some further commentary. The next installment will be a series of roundtable discussions that aim to explore the issues in greater detail with tangible best practices and outputs that will help the industry settle into the re-imagined workforce that services our dynamic industry. 

To learn more, visit our Currency of Talent Resource Centre.

If you would like to be part of the workforce discussions at IAB Canada, please reach out to [email protected]