Attention all speakers – We’re looking for three 30 minute presentations for this years Metrics Conference. Below are all the details. If you think you have something that fits the description please send us your proposals by Friday September 9th.
Submitted Proposals will be screened for New, Canadian-only, Data-driven Content and Insghts by our senior panel of judges. Speaker/company credentials and tone will also be weighed. The three winners will present their white papers to the Industry on December 1st in the afternoon. Membership in IAB Canada is a condition of participation.
Who Attends The IAB Canada Metrics Conference?
The Metrics Conference is for Mid-Senior Digital and Multi-platform Professionals. Attendees hail from the buy, sell, advertiser and technology sides of the digital industry. They are looking for fresh, practical, measurement-based learning on leading-edge planning and activation challenges they can put to work, as soon as they return to the office.The audience is split roughly evenly between agencies and publishers. Some advertisers and research providers also attend. Attendance generally ranges from 125-145 annually.
What’s the focus of the IAB Canada Metrics Conference?
The IAB Canada Metrics conference is a kick-off conference that marks the 2016 release of the annually updated CMUST – Canadian Media Usage Trending Report. CMUST is commissioned by IAB Canada and is authored and presented by Rob Young, Founder & Sr. VP of media agency PHD. CMUST is without parallel, the most comprehensive available study of the Canadian legacy and digital media usage landscape and is based on the audience currencies of record for each major medium in Canada.
In addition to the CMUST results, three Canadian research/analytics presentations will be unveiled. That’s where you come in! Our panel of judges, drawn from both agencies and publishers, selects the three best white paper proposals we receive from IAB Canada members, in answer to this Call for Speakers.
Have a glance at last year’s program here.
Submitting Your Proposal
If you are interested in entering this competition for the three best white paper proposals and are an IAB Canada member, please click on the link to fill out and submit the speaker proposal form.
Criteria for Judging Speaker Presentation Proposals
Contents must be original (not previously presented publicly or published), appropriate to a senior-level audience and based on current, Canadian-only data.
The goal of each presentation is to generate “must know” takeaways for this industry audience. Company / product identification must be kept to a single slide, with no other “overt” selling content.
Proposals can fit into any of the fields listed at bottom. Subject to this, they can address any pertinent aspect of paid-owned-earned communications or content comparisons/analyses, accompanied by supporting methodologies.
Presentation proposals must not overlap with reach/time-spent metrics found in CMUST. Click this link to see last year’s CMUST Highlights.
Finalists will be proven public speakers with strong industry credentials and will make their complete presentations publicly available after the event.
Proposal Categories:
– Cross-Platform
– Social Media
– Programmatic
– Segmentation
– Mobile
– Native Advertising
– Attribution/other modeling
– Targeting
– Video
– Branded Content
– Supply Chain Transparency
– Ad Blocking
– Media Innovation
– Privacy
– Media Planning/Activation
– Viewabilitiy
Contact Steve Rosenblum
Director of Research
[email protected]