Last month, IAB Canada sponsored a contest to showcase the most innovative cross-device advertising campaigns created using HTML5. We’re happy to announce Jawad Shahid, Lead Digital Producer and Matt Mazierski, Lead Digital Developer of MediaNet submitted the winning entry!
In their own words, here is the story behind their submission:
“My goal was to create a mobile and desktop campaign that would work for our company, MediaNet, in order to showcase advertising products offered to an audience that may or may not be versed in online media. The challenge was to make display advertising options exciting and easy to understand, in order to appeal to every day B2B consumers. I also wanted to make this campaign stand out in our industry, where plain icons are often used to illustrate devices and ad options. To achieve this, I used a food/restaurant theme for visual interest, while playing with images, animations, and video to make the ads interesting and interactive. I feel I have successfully created a multi-screen campaign that really pushes the boundaries of what is possible with HTML5 while remaining respectful of IAB Standards.”
View their HTML5 ads built using Google Web Designer:
Mobile Expandable
(To mimic the mobile “swipe” motion, please click & drag with your mouse)
Thanks to their amazing work they won two tickets to C2 Montreal, a three-day event that brings together visionaries and forward-thinkers from around the world to explore the relationship between commerce and creativity.
Congratulations, Jawad and Matt!