Building Better Vendor/Agency Relationships
Last week, IAB Canada presented the Fall 2020 ‘benchmark’ results from our 7th annual “3600 Digital Seller Survey of Canadian Agencies”. The survey looks at the performance of leading publisher and platform ad sellers – both domestic and global – based on the expectations of 64 agencies, including the top 6 holding companies and several in-house operations. These agencies and ad vendors are estimated to cover a large majority of overall Canadian digital ad revenues.
The 3600 agency survey measures the size of each vendor’s overall and frequent agency business base, how agency staff perceive digital vendor performance across key individual attributes expected by strategists and buyers, while also determining the qualities that really “move the needle” on driving future business. These attributes are reviewed in advance each year by the IAB Canada Agency Council to ensure they reflect current conditions and cover a wide range of topics such as: fair pricing, trustworthy/integrity, provides useful training and education, transparent operational dealings, Canadian thought leadership, proprietary planning tools, positive ad results, successful reach and targeting.
Each sponsor receives a custom, confidential report packed with buy-side insights in which the seller’s business penetration, attribute scores and agency ‘intent to do business again’, are compared against participating vendor benchmarks and also against ‘competitive’ averages that exclude that vendor.
Subscribers to this invaluable annual report, use the insights to guide where they need to direct next years’ resources most optimally, in order to boost agency satisfaction and in turn, their ad sales. By all accounts, this is one of IAB Canada’s most valuable studies and we are grateful to so many in the agency community for participating every year. Congratulations to the 48 prize winners in this year’s survey draws!
If you’re interested in learning about how to become a sponsor for measurement in the 2021 study, please get in touch with us at [email protected]