We’re now two weeks away from IAB Canada’s yearly cross-country State of the Nation event. This year, from coast to coast we’ll be gathering virtually for townhall style discussions around critical developments and “must know” topics affecting the entire ecosystem.
The IAB Tech Lab will kick off the conversation and take us through the global efforts being made to rearchitect the future of digital advertising in a world without 3rd party cookies. Jill Wittkopp, Director of Product at the Tech Lab will lead an interactive discussion on critical industry developments impacting today’s urgency for transparency, securities and efficiencies including updates on IAB technical solutions such as DataLabel.org and VAST.
As things have been moving full steam ahead on our road towards cookie independence with the launch of Project Rearc, we also welcome Jordan Mitchell, Senior Vice President, Privacy, Identity & Data, IAB Tech Lab. Jordan has been leading the charge on all things Rearc and will take us through where this truly global initiative, involving over 400 participants from over 200 organizations worldwide, stands today and how the industry is working together to re-think and re-architect digital marketing to support core industry use cases while balancing consumer privacy and personalization. Jordan will undoubtedly encourage Canadian participation in Rearc so if you are eager to help, send us a note today at rearc@iabcanada.com
As policy and technology work hand in hand we will follow up this discussion with our expert privacy panel who we profiled in last week’s Community Uninterrupted Newsletter.
As we are faced with some of the most pressing issues our industry has ever seen we urge you all to join the State of the Nation event on June 17th as we collectively discuss how to take our best steps forward.