Driving Diversity – IAB Canada Announces Diversity & Inclusion Taskforce

IAB Canada has a long history of bringing people together to crack on digital industry issues, and we’ve seen firsthand that meaningful progress depends on diverse participation across the board. From our foundational councils and committees to a broad range of industry events and education, our business is built on our community and its varied contributions towards tackling obstacles and driving opportunities forward.

In recent years, we have mindfully focused on curating discussions that represent inclusivity and gender balance. We are happy to report some progress and have celebrated great community members’ insistence on inclusivity as a basis for participation. We’ve also discovered that there is a tremendous amount of work that remains to be done and our commitment to making a difference here has certainly raised our awareness of the challenges that exist systemically within our industry.

In the coming days we will be reaching out to our members to formally request that each organization consider promoting broader involvement in our community from a diverse range of team members. IAB Canada is committed to supporting equal opportunities that fully represent our great country’s make-up. We are equally committed to supporting our members in their efforts to do the same.

We also recognize that many of our members have made important steps towards diversity and inclusion and are thrilled to announce the formation of the IAB Canada Diversity and Inclusion Taskforce and welcome your organization’s participation. This group will help by making important recommendations to programming, develop education and serve as a forum for the sharing of best practices. To get involved in this group, please contact us at [email protected].