IAB Tech Lab Releases Critical Outputs for the Cookieless Future

One year after IAB announced the formal kick-off of Project Rearc, a global collaborative initiative involving the world’s top industry thought leadership from all stakeholder groups, there has been significant progress on several critical fronts.

This week, at the IAB Annual Leadership summit, the IAB Tech Lab released three important frameworks for public commentary. The documents were drafted from a broad perspective and take into consideration the rapid emergence of various solutions proposed to solve addressability once cookies have left the building in 2022.

IAB Canada has been actively participating in all three working groups and we are excited by the content covered in these initial drafts. Importantly, the frameworks provide a solid foundation of requirements and standards as the industry begins to build out their beta versions of ad tech to support what is currently a three-tiered approach to connecting with audiences in the future state.

Developed to deliver a privacy-first approach, the industry has been hard at work to crack addressability, global privacy models as well as viable accountability frameworks.

Addressability takes into consideration authenticated audiences, contextual signalling and cohort-based models. Despite the recent headlines implying that FloC will be a dominant reality, the industry at large acknowledges that all three tiers are legitimate scenarios, and the industry must prepare itself to operate across all proposed solutions. The first step in preparation, is to become familiar with the methodologies and to understand the implications of how first party data will play a critical role using each respective model. IAB Canada continues to host important presentations that describe these methods in greater detail, and we strongly encourage all member stakeholders to participate in those discussions.

Global Privacy Framework addresses the slow drip patchwork of international privacy legislations that have been creating complexity for the eco-system and as a result, a reactive approach to technical solutions to address the various market requirements. The Global Privacy Framework houses the TCF Canada policies, developed by IAB Canada, that will set the stage to deliver modernized compliance with PIPEDA and the impending CCPA. Canada will serve as the first market to roll-out the framework for testing in the coming months. 

Accountability addresses the critical need to ensure that the ad tech eco-system is operating in compliance with the various approaches to addressable audiences. This group has been cracking on the requirements around auditing and getting deep into the details of cadence, strings of data, reporting capacity issues and the centralization, decentralization and accessibility of data.

IAB Canada will continue to work on the ground within the IAB Tech Lab discussions as well as within our own Councils, Committees and Working Groups to ensure the Canadian digital ad industry stays informed and close to the work – in real time.

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